FIR Full Form

FIR Full Form - What is FIR?

FIR Full Form, What is a full form of FIR, FIR, What is the Full Form of FIR? What is FIR, What is Full Form of FIR, First Information Report, Full Form of FIR.

Friends, you must have known about the FIR, if you do not know, you must have heard from someone's mouth at some time or the other. But do you know very well why FIR is written in FIR, who writes FIR, where FIR is written.

So let's know what is the FIR Full Form and what is the FIR and also you will get information about the FIR from Detail.

BBA Full Form

The full form of FIR is First Information Report, as the name itself suggests that it is the first information to be given. It is a notice given to the police in relation to any criminal incident. This is the information given by a person suffering from a crime to the police in the police station. It can be given in both written and oral forms. Based on this, the police can start their proceedings and hair investigation.

When a person writes an FIR, the signature of that person is also taken and a copy of the FIR is also given to him. It is prepared by the police, which contains the complete details of the criminal case.

On what type of crime can an FIR be registered in the police?

Robbery, intimidation, intimidation, any such act which is legally wrong, FIR can be lodged and if the FIR lodged by you is found to be correct, then the police take action against whom it is done and it is appropriate Punishes if you get the wrong FIR If you intentionally register, then the police can also take action against you for this (although it is not easy because it requires proof).

At the time of filing an FIR, you are required to state your own government identity card.

What is Zero FIR?

Wherever there is an incident, you have to write an FIR to inform about that incident, but the area in which that incident happened cannot be written in any other police station. Whereas such a situation when the FIR needs to be written to another police station.

So for such circumstances, provision of Zero FIR has been made. Under which, to start the proceedings of any offense, you can get an FIR written in any police station and that FIR is later transferred to the above station.

FIR Provisions

  • Anytime the police cannot initiate an investigation into a matter before the FIR. It is very important to write FIR first.

  • Never, the police can not increase or decrease anything in the FIR on its side.

  • If you do not have personal information about any crime or have not seen your crime happening, then you can write FIR.

  • It is important to have the signature of the police officer on the FIR and the signature of the police station.

  • If you are not able to take an FIR for any reason, then the police sends you a copy of the FIR through the post.

How to create an account for filing an online FIR?

If you have a login ID password, you login directly otherwise click on create login. Clicking on Create login login will also have to fill some details which must be essentially correct.

After this, you can submit your information by clicking "Submit" on the MP Government website or MP Police dot government dot in. After that, for the process that is followed, you will be given instructions that follow and register the FIR online. Can get it done.